People for Jesse Ventura 2020 Newspaper Ad

In April-May 2020 former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura experienced a brief buzz boomlet as a possible Green Party nominee.  However, the Green Party nominating process seemed "rigged" to favor eventual nominee Howie Hawkins, and Ventura withdrew from consideration (+).  A draft effort continued to advance his name as a write-in presidential candidate, but as of mid-Aug. 2020 had attracted little notice.  This ad ran in ad small newspaper in the City of White Bear Lake in the Minneapolis Saint Paul area.

People for Jesse Ventura
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 10:00 am

Grassroots Draft Ventura Campaign Reaches Governor Ventura’s Local Community

White Bear Lake, MN, (July 29, 2020) - The People for Jesse are publishing an open letter addressed to Governor Ventura, calling on him to run for President, as a full page ad in this week's issue of the White Bear Press, a local newspaper. It will be delivered to Governor Ventura and seventeen thousand other Minnesotans today.

Additionally, over three thousand personal letters imploring the Governor to declare his candidacy, written by every day Americans concerned for the future of the country, will be arriving at Ventura’s home address via mail.

Richard Idriss, representing the leadership of the People for Jesse draft campaign, had this to say regarding the goal of their efforts: “We’ve mapped out an electoral strategy for the Governor, we just need him to officially declare his candidacy. We expect a possible Ventura candidacy will quickly become a hot topic of discussion in his community, as gossip tends to spread fast in small towns.

It was the unexpected, grandiose gestures of the Draft Eisenhower movement that ultimately played a key role in convincing President Eisenhower to run for office despite his repeated insistence that there was not enough support for his run to warrant quitting his job and entering the race.

Similarly, Ventura was drafted to campaign for Minnesota Governor in 1998 when locals pressured him to follow through on public comments he had made suggesting that he ought to run for the office. We’re hoping to replicate some of the energy behind both of these historical moments to convince Governor Ventura that it’s worth entering the ring once more to fight for the American People.”

Jennifer R., a supporter from New Mexico, wrote to Governor Ventura: “In this political climate, for the first time in recent memory, a high-caliber third-party candidate could win the presidency. While that, alone, would be a refreshing new start for elections, what we really need right now is an effective president. Window dressing alone won't get us through this mess. Jesse, we need your help. You possess the leadership qualities we so desperately require, and you have name recognition to cut through all the noise and actually get elected.”

Daniel S., a supporter of the Governor from Ohio, also wrote Ventura: “We need you Jesse. I just had a son last week, and I am scared to death about the country he will have if we continue down our current path. It is to the point where I have actually started trying to convince his m [sic] that we should emigrate to another country. Because short of civil disobedience, I don't know how to change the system; and I cannot take the risk of being imprisoned for resisting tyranny.”

Open Letter Ad
Examples of Letters to Jesse
Helpful Links:
Draft Jesse Campaign Video
Petition Calling on Governor Ventura to Run