Bernie 2020

"Hope" +

:30 TV ad run in Iowa from Oct. 21, 2019.

:   My son was dying.  My son was, you know, diagnosed; he was only three years old.  A collection agency found out we did not have insurance because my husband had lost a job days before.  They came into the room wanting to know how we're going to pay, wanting credit cards.  There's no way out for us.  I mean the other than you Bernie.  Reallly.  Like your the hope that we have.

Sanders:  We've got to create a health care system that works for you and for you and for all of us and not just for the insurance companies.  [applause]

Sanders (voiceover):  I'm Bernie Sanders and I approve this message.

Notes:  The scenes are from Medicare for All Townhall in Des Moines on Sept. 22, 2019.