Club for Growth Action

"Dumb Things" +

:30 TV ad run in Iowa on June 27, 2019 during the first debate.


Male Announcer:  Joe Biden sure has done some dumb things over the years.

Like when he sided with racist Dixiecrats against measures to desegregate schools...

and later he wrote the infamous crime bill, expanding the mass incarceration of a generation of black men.

Biden treated Anita Hill like garbage.

And his inappropriate behavior toward women?  Straight from the 1950s.

Biden clip:  I've done some dumb things, and I'll do dumb things again.

Announcer:  Club for Growth Action is responsible for the content of this advertising.

NotesJune 27, 2019 press release...

Biden Campaign Attacks Club for Growth Action Following Release of Ad and Poll

Down in Polls, Former V.P.’s Campaign Continues to Ignore His Questionable Record

Following the release of Club for Growth PAC’s polling and Club for Growth Action’s television advertisement on former V.P. Joe Biden’s long and questionable record, the Biden campaign is now attacking Club for Growth Action and fundraising using selective editing and revisionist history.

In the fundraising email, the Biden campaign quotes a Reuters article on some recent Club for Growth PAC polling. What the fundraising email doesn’t do is include the full text of the article or even provide a hyperlink because they don’t want voters to know about the substance of the ad and polling.

“According to our polling, many Democratic primary voters have lots of questions about Joe Biden’s record, and if he wants to be the nominee, he’s going to have to figure out how to stop ignoring them and start answering them because they aren’t going away,” said Club for Growth Action President David McIntosh.

Club for Growth PAC released a poll on the Democratic Presidential primary and specific message testing on Biden showing he is vulnerable based on past statements on slavery reparations, desegregation, and school busing. Based on the poll, Club for Growth Action also released a television advertisement on Biden’s record which will air in Iowa on Thursday, June 27, the second night of the Democratic debates.