Pete for America

"Solutions" +

:30 TV ad from week of Oct. 21, 2019 run statewide in Iowa on broadcast and cable.


Buttigieg:  This part of the country, the so-called “Rust Belt,” was gutted by corporate decisions over the course of the last fifty years. 

Growing up here, I didn’t even know that it was unusual to have empty factories or empty houses. 

Right now so many communities are being left behind. The solutions aren’t going to come from Washington. 

We’ve got to have a plan that works for all of us, or we’re going to continue to become polarized and divided. 

We want to make sure rural areas and urban areas, have an equal shot at success in this country.

I’m Pete Buttigieg and I approve this message.

Notes:  From the Oct 21, 2019 press release:

Pete for America Releases New Television Ad in Iowa Focused on Economic Solutions

DES MOINES, IA — Today, Pete for America announced a new television ad that will air in Iowa’s Quad Cities. The new 30-second spot Solutions will run statewide later this week on broadcast, cable, and digital. 

The ad highlights Pete’s Rust Belt roots and his plan to restore fairness and balance to our economy, so that every American worker can share in the country’s growth.


Like the previous ad "Recruit," "Solutions" is visually a bit busy, comprising 19 different video clips.