Biden for President

"Soul of America" +

:60 TV ad from week of Dec. 17, 2019 run in the four early states and on national cable.

[Music] Biden:  American history is not a fairy tale.  Thomas Jefferson wrote what many consider to be the most important document in human history.  He was a slaveholder.

We've never lived up to our American ideals—Jefferson himself didn't—but what he wrote has pulled us toward justice for more than two centuries.  It's always a fight; it's a battle that's never fully finished.

But if Donald Trump is re-elected he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation.

If we give Donald Trump four more years, this will not be the country envisaged by Washington, this will not be the nation bound together by Lincoln, this will not be the nation lifted up by Roosevelt, inspired by Kennedy; it will not be the nation that Barack Obama proved bends toward justice.

We can't and I will not let this man be re-elected president of the United States of America.  [applause]

Biden [voiceover]:  I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Notes:  An inspirational ad with historical footage of Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, civil rights activists, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Kennedy and Barack Obama as well as scenes of white nationalists carrying torches and engaging in violence.  See: John DiStaso.  "NH Primary Source: Biden launches ‘Soul of America’ cable TV ad in four early voting states."  WMUR, Dec. 17, 2019.