Biden for President

"Commander in Chief" +

:30 ad from Nov. 26, 2019 run in Iowa.


Biden (audio):  To be commander in chief of the United States is a sacred duty.

Obama (clip from speech):  Thank you so much everybody...

Biden (clip from speech):  The next president is going to face enormous challenges picking up the pieces of American foreign policy.

We need a leader who can on Day One stand with our allies, know them by their first names, and have them know there'll be no question about the word of the next president of the United States.

Biden (voiceover):  I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Notes: Ad announced in a Nov. 6 tweet from campaign manager Greg Schultz: "New Ad Alert: Check out ⁦@JoeBiden⁩’s new ad up In Iowa. It’s called ‘Commander in Chief’. With the world in need of American leadership, we need a leader on the world stage Day One. We need ⁦@JoeBiden⁩  This ad builds on the earlier ad “Moment,” from Sept. 12.