Biden for President

"Integrity" +

:30 TV ad from week of Jan. 3, 2020 run in IA.


Man 1:  Joe is an excellent role model, is an honorable man.  He's got character.  He's what we all look for in a president.

Man 2:  He's a man of integrity.

Woman 1:  When I think of Joe Biden, I think of someone who is reliable, someone who is trustworthy.

Man 3:  Joe Biden can beat Donald Trump because he has the most experience and he reaches out to the most people within our country and can make a difference.

Man 4:  If we're going to beat Donald Trump, we need somebody who understands what people are going through.

Woman 2:  Joe Biden is a man who leads with his heart and that's the kind of leader we need right now.

Biden [voiceover]:  I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

Notes:  It might be more effective if the people giving the testimonials were identified.