1992 Democratic Presidential Primary

                                 The Tsongas Committee

Maryland Newsletter - 8 1/2" x 14".

Tsongas for President Courier
Vol. 1, No. 1, February 10 1992

The Tsongas for President campaign has just established a network and system for accomodating and making use of the hundreds of volunteers that have come forward expressing an interest in working for the campaign. Volunteers are currently being asked to staff phone banks, make voters aware of the campaign and generate support for the Maryland primary on March 3. Other volunteers are canvassing at Metro stops to help increase visibility.

The amount of support the campaign has received has been overwhelming. The phones are ringing constantly. Over 800 people have called in the last few weeks requesting information, Tsongas' booklet "A Call to Economic Arms", or to offer support both in money and time. We apologize for any problems people have had getting through. The level of response also accounts for the delay we have had in getting back to everyone who has contacted us. We apologize for this as well.

The range of people calling has been staggering. Everyone from long time Democrats who feel Tsongas is the only hope for beating George Bush to Republicans who recognize that Tsongas offers the only credible plan for economic recovery.
The campaign is picking up speed rapidly and the next few weeks will be full of activity and events which will pave the way to success in Maryland and beyond.

To be a part of this effort, If you have not already contacted the campaign, contact Marc Freedman at the Tsongas Campaign office in Rockville at 301-294-0698. To contribute money to the campaign, make checks payable to Tsongas for President and send it to Tsongas for President, 200-A Monroe Street, Suite 225, Rockville, MD 20850.

The media has come around and is beginning to give Tsongas the extensive coverage that generally goes with being a front runner. Aside from continuous mention In coverage of the overall primary campaigns In the major newspapers, Tsongas has recently appeared on This Week with David Brinkley. The Interview portion with Sam Donaldson and George WIii went smoothly with Tsongas explaining that the economic crisis inspired him to run even when President Bush was enjoying high popularity. He also responded that his wife supported him In this decision even when no one else did. At the end of the show during the spontaneous discussion, Brinkley remarked that Tsongas was not a traditional Democrat because he supported a capital gains tax cut and other positions designed to spur the economy. Will chipped in with, "And he's right!"

One of the biggest boosts came from PBS' MacNell Lehrer debate. This has generated a tremendous amount of support and convinced many people that Tsongas was a candidate worth taking seriously.

In coming weeks, the national media will be focussing on Tsongas' campaign as we emerge from being a novelty to being taken seriously as a leading contender for the nomination.

The following upcoming events are scheduled, but may change at the last minute. You may want to call the Baltimore office at 410-244-7285 or the Rockville office at 301- 294-0698. Also, new events will be added as time and scheduling permits. Call to find out.
FEBRUARY 18: New Hampshire Primary results parties. Baltimore office: call 410-244-PAUL For DC area call 301-294-0698.

FEBRUARY 19: Public rally In downtown Baltimore at Hopkins Plaza (Charles Street across from Federal Office Bldg.) noon until 2:00. Tsongas will speak at this rally along with other local politicians. Come and show your support and bring your friends.

FEBRUARY 25: Annapolis State Capital, press conference, exact time to be determined. Fundralser at Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Rockville, 6:30-8:00. Reception $100. Fundralser at Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, 8:00-10:00. Dinner $250. Tsongas will be at these two events. Please call the Rockville office (301-294-0698) for more information.