1992 Perot Petition Effort

                           People for Perot (NY)                
Flyer, 8 1/2" x 11".

We the people

Millions of Americans across the country are pledging their support to independent Ross Perot.

Why? Because they see in him a strong, bi-partisan leader capable of galvanizing change and progress in this country.

That's why Ross Perot is leading in polls across the nation, ahead of the declared candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties.

Who are his supporters? Citizens of all ages, back­grounds, political convictions, and walks of life who are uniting in the largest grass-roots movement.
"I don't want to belong to anybody but the American People". Ross Perot
''What Perot has tapped is the spirit of volunteerism that so entranced Tocqueville 150 years ago, the this-is-a-new­-land-and-we-can-do-anything ethos that once defined the national character. Ross Perot in three short months has out of nothing created something far larger than a multi-billion dollar company...win or lose, his populist crusade and the challenge he is mounting to the establishment parties may well help break the deadlock of American democracy."
Time, 5/25/92

"People are yearning to be part of a democratic conversa­tion with their government, their leaders, and they now feel they are isolated by the political class, which has arrogated the conversation to itself."
New York Times, 6/6/92

"Perot's vision - of being able to just scrap a system that doesn't work, to get the cooperation of Congress in devising a better system - free of rancor and partisan politics - is exactly the way things ought to be done in government, but aren't."
New York Newsday, 6/1/92

"Perot's hands-on style...suggests he'd become an activist president, charging into discussions on every issue and embarking on perhaps the biggest honeymoon with Con­gress since Franklin D. Roosevelt's first 100 days produced the New Deal."
Daily News, 6/7/92

"lt could be that the man and the moment have come together despite the history of third-party candidates and despite the Washington insiders, who are scoffing at Perot as they once scoffed at Ronald Reagan...Ross Perot's chances look a lot better than the beltway insiders seem to believe."
Forbes, 5/11/92

"After the long nap of the Reagan presidency and the indifference of the Bush administration, the idea of a president/mechanic who actually works hard on solving domestic problems is breathtaking."
New York Newsday, 6/1/92

"...[Ross Perot's candidacy] underscore(s) the hunger for values and moral leadership now undermining American life more profoundly than any economic ills. If Americans in droves are proclaiming for Ross Perot, it is because he affirms those values. lt will also be because what he says has the clear ring of frankness. A rare commodity and one that seems, this campaign year, like quite a lot."
Wall Street Journal, 4/30/92

People for Perot.

"If I could wish one thing for my children, it's to leave the American Dream intact, so they can dream great dreams and have those dreams come true"
Ross Perot

New Yorkers have joined the army of volunteers around the country, to do our part in getting Ross Perot on the ballot.

For more information, or to find out how you can help, please give us a call.

New York City Headquarters
355 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10017
(212) 883-7300