1992 Perot Petition Effort

     Connecticut Perot Petition Committee
opens to 8 1/2" x 11".
Note: This particular one has been re-purposed for use in New York.
This is Ross Perot

a practical American

Americans for Perot

Is he a liberal or a conservative?

    Mr. Perot does not side with any group. As he says, "I don't want to belong to anybody but the American people." His views are balanced and they address our country's problems in highly constructive and intelligent ways. He is a public-spirited citizen who wants only to serve his country.

Will he be able to work with Congress?

    Mr. Perot has been a highly successful team member all his life: As an officer in the navy, during his service at IBM, during the building of two flourishing computer companies, and in his work with Texas legislators on improving education, and on fighting drug abuse.
    Ross Perot is a man who gets things done. "From day one, you'd find me buried with the leaders of Congress, putting together programs. l'll pick people solely on merit. I'll work night and day with both parties. Working together, we can do it."

Will Ross Perot develop detailed plans to solve our national problems?

    Many studies have been done, many long-range plans written, but our country is still adrift. Key to solving our national problems is action, and action requires leadership. Through his many involvements in public and private sectors, Mr. Perot has demonstrated a rare ability to take decisive action to implement compelling plans.

What about the 400 billion dollar deficit and the 4 trillion dollar national debt?

    Mr. Perot feels strongly that we must eliminate the debt and deficit, lifting the enormous burden that threatens future generations. As he says, "We need to leave the American Dream intact for our children, [and] we can't have all these wonderful things [social programs] if we're broke."

What about jobs?

    "We've got to protect the job base. That's where the taxes come from. People who do not work cannot pay taxes. You've got to make the words, 'made in the U.S.A.' the world's standard for excellence once again."

Where does he stand on education?

    "Our education system has to be the finest in the world." As our country faces global competition, it is imperative that we develop well-educated citizens. Mr. Perot's deep concern over education is demon­strated by his civic work as head of the Texas State Commission, which revamped the Texas State education system.

Can he bring the government back to the people?

    Mr. Perot is highly critical of the special interest groups that now own Washington. Among other ideas, his innovative concept of using television as an "electronic" town meeting hall, to educate citizens about critical issues, and then have them express their opinions back to Washington via telephone, will help ensure that the people's views will be heard -- and respected.

Mr. Perot is a third party candidate. Would a vote for Perot be wasted?

    As voters get to know Mr. Perot, we believe he will become the clear choice for the vast majority of citizens who, according to the polls, are less than satisfied with the "choices" they are offered by the major parties. Mr. Perot is not just a "protest vote." He is a strong, serious candidate to be our next President.
Where does he stand on abortion?

    "It is the woman's choice. [But] each human life is precious. We don't have to create a new human life unless we want to. Starting in Washington, nobody wants to be responsible for anything. For democracy to work, every single one of us must take responsibility for his or her actions, and that certainly includes this issue."

What about taxes?

    Mr. Perot believes we need a brand new, simplified tax system. "Number one, it's got to raise revenues; number one-A, it's got to be fair. There's nothing fair about the present tax laws, and that' s what upsets the average guy."

What can I do?

    First, we must get Ross Perot on the ballot in Connecticut. You can volunteer in this effort, and, as we move into the campaign, you can help get out the vote.

To volunteer in CNew York call (212) 883-7300

    One of our country' s leading citizens, Ross Perot is a very successful self-made man to whom government and civic organizations often turn for help and advice. He is the recipient of many of our country' s highest awards for his recognized courage, values, in­telligence, leadership, and candor.

Growing up with a strong family background in a small town in Texas, Ross Perot graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy, served in the navy, had an outstanding sales career at IBM, and then went on to found two leading computer services companies.

Ross Perot' s practical, common-sense approach to solving problems is just what this country needs in these hard times.
With his compelling leadership, our government can be brought back to its people, and our country can return to its democratic ideals, strength, and greatness.

Paid for by the Connecticut Perot Petition Committee

Perot for President in '92

Press Release
Telephone (203) 762-     Fax (203) 762-


Contact: Sarason D. Liebler, Co-chairman
               Laura Donnelly, Co-chairman

Date: April 14, 1992


Trumbull, CT, April 15, 1992 -- Co-chairman of the recently formed Connecticut Committee to Elect H. Ross Perot President of the United States announced that the Committee is preparing to file an application with Pauline Kezer, Secretary of State, for petitions which will be circulated throughout the State in order to gain H. Ross Perot a place on the ballot in November. Co-chairman of the Connecticut Committee are Dennis Schrauger, Trumbull, CT and David Kaufman, Easton, CT.

The initial activities of the Committee will be to collect approximately 15,000 signatures that must be filed with the State in early August in order to ensure that Mr. Perot may be listed on the ballot for the November elections.

Mr. Perot executed the necessary documents authorizing the forming of the group in Connecticut on April 10, 1992. Activities are proceeding to establish a network of volunteers from each congressional district and each town of Connecticut.

Mr. Perot has announced that he will accept the challenge of running for President of the United States if a grassroots volunteer effort will gain him access to the ballot in all fifty states.

Mr. Perot, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, is a native of Texas and is best known for building Electronic Data Systems ("EDS") , which he started with $1,000.00 of borrowed money in 1962. EDS was acquired by General Motors, Corp. for $2.5 billion in 1984.

Mr. Perot, who has been very active with public affairs, both within the state of Texas as well as nationally, has proposed a form of electronic town meetings so that the input of all citizens could be gained for key matters, such as: taxes; education; and, health care.
Key to his overall goals will be to reduce and then eliminate the deficit while improving America' s competitive position in the world.