1992 Democratic Presidential Primary

                           Kerrey for President, Inc.

NH Lyrics - 4 1/4" x 11".
The Ballad of the Kerrey Volunteer

(Sung for a Navy SEAL
to the tune of the Marine Hymn)

First Verse

From the wards of Keene and Nashua,
To the Folks in Dixville Notch;
We will get out the vote for Bob Kerrey
While the world prepares to watch.

First to hit the streets in Manchester
On our mission we'll not fail.
Nebraska sweeps the Granite State
To bid farewell to Bush and Quayle.

2nd Verse

Up in Concord and in Rochester
Republicans should just beware:
Kerrey will make fundamental change.
Begin with National Health Care!

We will knock on every Democrat Door.
We will call ones, twos and threes.
To get the message to New Hampshire
And our hands on White House keys.

3rd Verse

They Support Bob in North Conway;
He's their man in Portsmouth too.
He's electable in November.
He's a hero through and through.

We fight for all Americans.
We understand their hopes and fears.
We will win the Democratic Primary.
We're Bob Kerrey's volunteers