1992 Democratic Presidential Primary

                           Americans for Harkin

Comparison Piece - 8 1/2" x 11".

Tom Harkin...A Clear Choice
Tom Harkin...

George Bush...
Opposed to supply-side, trickle down economics and supports replacing it with Resource Based Economics to create jobs in America and make American business more competitive. Favors investing in American infrastructure and in  America's people through job retraining, parental leave, child care, education and health care.

Vetoed extending Unemployment Benefits for American workers. Promotes trade policies that export American jobs. Opposes parental leave and child care legislation. George Herbert Walker Bush's economic recovery plan is to cut capital gains taxes for the rich.
Favors maximizing the peace dividend by cutting needless weapons like the B2 Bomber and Star Wars. Supports taking the billions we now spend to defend Europe from Communism and using the money to strengthen America's economy, education, and health systems.
Advocates spending $160 billion a year on Cold War weapons to defend Europe from a nonexistent Soviet threat. Supports continued spending for Cold War weapons like the B2 Bomber and Star Wars.
Supports reform of America's health care system so that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care without going broke. Supports investing in preventive health care programs that save money in the future.

Has no plan for dealing with current health crisis in which 37 million Americans have no health insurance and 65 million more are just a paycheck away from losing their coverage.
Favors investing in America's youth and strengthening America's educational system.. Supports increased spending for Head Start and vocational education and additional loan funds for college students.

Has cut funding for all levels of education and opposes transferring funds from defense spending to education funding. Claims to be "the Education President" , yet under his leadership test scores continue to decline.
Opposes weakening pollution controls and selling off wetlands and wilderness areas to big corporate interests. Wants to preserve and protect the environment through strong clean air and water legislation.

Favors opening wilderness areas to big corporate interests. Has gutted strong wetlands legislation through the regulatory process. Opposes strong pollution control provisions.
Wants to guarantee equal opportunity for all regardless of race, creed, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. Author of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the most important Civil Rights legislation since 1964.

Vetoed strong civil rights legislation. Uses racially divisive " code words" to divide America. Has appointed judges hostile to civil rights and civil liberties. Has allowed the party of Abraham Lincoln to become the party of David Duke.
Strongly supports the "gag rule." Will protect Americans' constitutional right to privacy. Supports alternatives to abortion, but trusts American women to make this most personal of all decisions.

Has stacked the courts with anti-choice judges. Supports the " gag rule" which prevents doctors from providing women basic information about health care choices. Opposes granting women the right to choice.
Supports restoring moral leadership to American foreign policy by emphasizing human rights. Supports using the UN to end regional conflicts. Favors a tough trade policy to open foreign markets to American products and keep jobs here at home.
Sells arms to dictators like Saddam Hussein, then sends American troops to impose a " New World Order." Supports Chinese government's brutal suppression of Democracy Movement. Favors a trade policy that results in the exporting of jobs rather than agricultural, manufacturing, and technological goods.

Paid for and authorized by Americans for Harkin .