1992 Republican Presidential Primary

 Bush/Quayle '92 Primary Committee, Inc.

Brochure - 6" x 9",

"President Bush, How About Some Questions?"

"What Are You Going To Do About Getting Our Economy Going?"

The economy is my top priority.

I accept my share of responsibility concerning the reces­sion, but Congress's hand wringing and foot-dragging has taken its toll as well.

My strategy for long-term eco­nomic growth is based on five principles. One — it must stimulate more investment to create jobs. Two — it must increase real estate values and home sales. Three — it must restore Americans' confidence they will be able to afford raising a family, educating their children, and obtaining quality health care. Four — it must make America more competitive in the global economy. Five — it must control wasteful government spending and cut the deficit.

So far, we've brought interest rates down and sped up getting dol­lars to the states for existing federal programs.

Next week, I'll take the next step and outline a comprehensive eco­nomic action plan for 1992 in my State of the Union address.

I want Congress to put election year politics aside, break its logjam of inaction, and pass my program. I'll need your support to make that happen. With your strong vote in the primary, we will send a message to the Democrat Congress.

I hear you. I am concerned. You can count on me to provide the same kind of leadership to get this economy going as I did to win the Gulf War and the Cold War.

"Why Did You Break Your Tax Pledge?"

I stood next to Ronald Reagan for eight years. He was as strongly against raising taxes as I, but he had to raise taxes 12 times.

The one time I did, I was dragged kicking and screaming to the finish line. I'd sent thou­sands of troops to the Gulf. I did not want to shut down the government. I did not
want to stop Social Security checks from being mailed.

Some good things came out of this painful process. And we capped domestic discretionary spending.

That's the key — and the people of New Hampshire know this — to try to control government spending.

I didn't like raising taxes. I've proposed tax cuts to stimulate the economy and tax incentives for jobs for the last three years in my State of the Union address. So thaat's my answer.

I saw Ronald Reagan agonize over it back in 1982, just as I agonized over it. But consider the choices: do you shut down the government — cut off the Social Security checks, risk the supply lines to troops that we were at the time moving overseas? Or do you have to swallow something from the Democrat-controlled, tax-­increase conscious Congress?

That's the answer.

"Why Do You Spend So Much Time Overseas?"

Looking out for American's interests abroad is the President's responsibility. Congress, with 535 answers to virtually every question, can't deal with foreign affairs day-to-day.
We live in a global economy. When I talk with foreign leaders about new markets for Amer­ican products, is it foreign policy or domestic policy?

When I meet with Latin American leaders, as I did in Cartagena, to help keep drugs out of America's schools and neighborhoods, is that foreign policy or domestic policy?

When Desert Storm reignited Americans' faith in themselves, was that just foreign policy? 

No. It demonstrated our special role as the world's preeminent moral, political, economic, and military power.

Anyone who says America should retreat into an isolationistic cocoon is living in the last century, when we should be focusing on the next century, and the life our kids can have in that exciting future. They should know America's destiny has always been to lead. And if I have anything to do with it, lead we will.

My most sacred re­sponsibility as Commander-in-Chief is to keep the peace and keep America strong.

This is a more peaceful world because America was involved. We must stay involved in the world for peace and jobs.

''Over a year ago, I gave Congress proposals for economic recovery. They would end the credit crunch, increase real estate values, create more investment and jobs and reform our schools to help our children compete in the global economy. Congress did nothing."
If my proposals had been made into law, the recession would have been less severe, millions more would be working, and America's economy would be on the mend.

Now every political lightweight is using me for a punching bag and every Congressional subcommittee which hasn't had a new idea in 50 years is talking about how we must have action now.

I will turn this economy around, but I need your help to do it with your vote on February 18. By voting for me, you'll be sending a message to Congress.

If the only thing standing in the way of your supporting me is that you don't believe I'm listening to what you have to say, try me. Let me hear from you.

I share your values. I know what you're facing. And, as President, I will get New Hampshire and America moving again.

George Bush

PO BOX 19992

I believe President Bush knows New Hampshire. He's gotten our message. What makes him different from all the rest of the candidates asking for our support is that — when the chips are down — we can count on his strong, experienced leadership.

But if you're undecided about voting for him February 18, find out more about where George Bush stands on the issues important to you.

Send this card to Washington. He'll answer your questions. Then make up your own mind. 

Because New Hampshire picks Presidents, we have a special responsibility not to waste our vote. We need to do what's right.


Judd Gregg
Judd Gregg




City, Zip:


Paid for by Bush-Quayle '92 Primary Committee, Inc.

"I'm concerned about the high cost of health care. What can be done, Mr. President?
There's nothing more frighten­ing than a threat to a family's health. Barbara and I know what families go through.

I will soon send to Congress my proposals to help every American family cope with rising health care costs.

It will be sound and sensi­ble reform that doesn't hurt the economy or cost jobs.

It will protect the right of American families to choose their own doctors. It will rely on market forces of competition and innovation.

It will emphasize prevention, encouraging people to keep them­selves healthy as a less costly alter­native to dealing with problems only after people get sick.

It will help hold down the cost of medical malpractice insurance that's keeping doctors from provid­ing certain vital services.
There are many Presidential can­didates who want the government to run our health care system, like Britain's or Canada's socialized schemes. They want the government to tell you what doctor to see, what drugs to use, how long to wait for operations, and whether you will even be allowed to have the operation at all!

Putting the government in charge of health care would give us all the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of centralized plan­ning at budget busting prices.

"What Are You Doing About Trade?"

Protectionism shut down America's exports and brought on the Great Depression. Those who sing the siren song of protectionism are blind to his­tory's lessons.

We are in a world economy. America became the world's largest exporter last year, when we surged past the Germans.

Erecting trade barriers and starting a
trade war in a recession would result in a tremendous loss of jobs and eco­nomic growth.

If we want to expand jobs, we must expand markets. Not just manage trade, but expand it.

This is vital to New Hampshire, which sells over $1.2 billion in exports a year. Around 35,000 New Hampshire jobs depend on exports. Without the big increase in New Hampshire's exports (9.4% in 1990, the last year for which numbers are available), your state would have been even harder hit.

We are taking a tough line with foreign trading partners. For exam­ple, on my recent trip, I won Japan's commitment to open its markets to American goods, from computers to glass to wood products to auto parts and more ... markets worth over $100 billion.

America's exports are up 58% in the last five years. As President, I'm working for even more access and more exports, because it means even more jobs, jobs, jobs.

We are the leader of the Free World. We can compete with any nation, anywhere in any field we choose ... if we put our heart, spirit, and intellect into meeting the challenge.