Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

                  Ron Paul for President Committee
Brochure - 9" x 3 3/4".

Libertarian for President


Then you need to know about former Congressman Ron Paul, the Libertarian Party's candidate for President. Ron Paul's message of liberty is the same one that inspired the Founding Fathers to fight for our independence, that galvanized mass movements in the 19th Century for hard money and personal liberty, and that mobilized millions in the 20th Century. In the tradition of the Founding Fathers, Ron Paul will:

Balance the Budget by Cutting Govern­ment Spending.
Democrats and Republicans are all for balancing the budget when the other party is in power. But not when they can direct the cash to their interest groups. Only Ron Paul will balance the budget by eliminating $500 billion in cor­porate welfare, social welfare, and foreign military welfare. Big banks, corporations, and foreign countries should stand on their own feet. Not on the taxpayer's back. And chur­ches and other private charities should be freed to care for the needy in a humane, non-governmental manner.

Abolish the Income Tax and the IRS.
The latest tax reform, contrary to government disinfor­mation, has brought us more complexity, more anxiety, and more taxes. 10,000 ravening, machine-gun-toting IRS
agents oppress the people and eat out their substance. They have the license to confiscate your wealth, seize your bank accounts, and force you to incriminate yourself without due process of law. The income tax extracts about 40% of the government's revenues, at the cost of our liberty. If we cut the budget 40%, we would be able to abolish the IRS. Ron Paul considers that a good first step towards responsible, Constitutional government.

Establish a Pro-American Foreign Policy.
The job of the U.S. government is to defend the people, property, and liberty of the United States. Period. It is not to run the world. It is not to fund wealthy clients like Ger­many and Japan. It is not to install and overthrow dictators in Central America. It is not to intervene on the side of totalitarian socialist Iraq and Big Oil in the Persian Gulf. Ron Paul would enforce the Constitutional foreign policy of Washington and Jefferson: peace and commerce with all who want them, no entangling alliances, no foreign meddl­ing, and a strong defense for our shores.

Restore the Gold Standard and Abolish the Fed.
When the bankers and the politicians took control of the people's dollar, and established the Federal Reserve and abolished the gold standard, they set the stage for tremen­dous profits for themselves and untold suffering for the rest of us. Since the Fed was created, in 1913, the dollar has lost 96% of its purchasing power. Ron Paul knows that the Founding Fathers were right in rejecting paper money and central banking. He will protect the value of your money by restoring the gold standard and abolishing the Federal Reserve.

Protect Our Civil Liberties.
Why should politicians be able to tell us how we can behave on our own property, or what we can consume? In the 1920s, the unbelievable violation of our liberties called Prohibition strengthened public and private criminals at the people's expense. The same is true of the War on Drugs. Government tells cancer patients what medications they can take, parents how to raise and educate their children, and churches and church schools how to operate. Government spies on American citizens for opposing its unconstitutional policies and invades our financial privacy in the name of "money laundering." It wants to make us all serfs on its plantation. Only Ron Paul puts the people before the government, and upholds our privacy and other civil liberties as absolute rights.

Does a thoughtful American have any other choice?
Ron Paul
Libertarian for President
The Only Alternative

The Hon. Ron Paul

Libertarian Candidate for President of the United States

Ron Paul was elected four times to the United States Congress from Houston, Texas, as a Repub­lican. For his uncompromising advocacy of liberty, Congressman Paul won awards from the National Tax­payers Union (for the most pro-taxpayer record ever), the Council for a Competitive Economy, the Mises Institute, and the American Economic Council.
     Ron Paul was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1935. He received his BA from Gettysburg College and his MD from Duke University Medical School and was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force. Dr. Paul and his wife Carol are the parents of five children and the grandparents of four. They make their home in Lake Jackson, Texas.
     On February 16, 1987, Ron Paul announced his candidacy for President of the United States on the Libertarian Party ticket. "In 1988," said Congressman Paul, '' Americans will be faced with Bush or Dukakis, or some other big-government types. I intend to make sure the people have a choice for freedom.
     "Some opponents of mine once charged that I wanted to 'take a chainsaw to the federal budget.' How right they were! Big government is running away with our freedom and our money, and the Republicans are as bad as the Democrats. There really isn't a dime's worth of difference between the major parties. Pro­freedom, non-interventionist views are ignored or smeared. Yet Libertarianism is the philosophy of the Founding Fathers.
     "That's why I intend to wage a grassroots, hard-­hitting, well-financed national campaign for freedom. After 14 years in politics," said Ron Paul, "I know the American people are with us, and I intend to give them a chance to vote for much smaller government, the gold standard, the free market, and a foreign policy that puts America first, not the deceitful big-bank, big­-business, big-government policy that polices the world and subsidizes rich allies, while impoverishing working Americans."

1120 NASA Blvd., Suite 104, Houston, TX 77058 (713) 333-1988

Paid for by the Ron Paul for President Committee