1988 Democratic Presidential Primary

                           Jesse Jackson for President '88 Committee

...Jesse Jackson!


Photo: Time

On October 11, 1987 there was only one candidate who stood with the lesbian and gay community in the historic march on Washington, D.C.

There was only one candidate who joined the tens of thousands of people in the nation's capitol on April 25 to call for an end to apartheid in South Africa and peace and non-intervention  in Central America.

There is only one candidate who has stood with striking workers, with the homeless, with farmers whose land has been repossessed.

There is only one candidate who has met with foreign leaders in quest of peaceful solutions to international conflicts, only one candidate who is concerned for the security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Photo: Frontline

That candidate is Jesse Jackson!

Jesse Jackson has a vision of America that is realistic and humane. He is the only candidate who has demonstrated throughout his lifetime a commit­ment to peace, a commitment to justice, a com­mitment to empowerment of common people, of minorities, of those of us who have been locked out, disenfranchised, discriminated against. Jesse Jackson has forged a coalition that includes Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, whites, labor, women, farmers and ranchers, and lesbians and gay men under a Rainbow flag that has changed the face of American politics.
     In 1988, the lesbian and gay community has an unparalleled opportunity to mobilize behind a Presidential candidate who has stood with us for years, who spoke out for us at the 1984 Democratic Convention, who was not afraid to stand with us on October 11. We have an opportunity to support a candidate whose program of ra­cial, social, and economic equality speaks to the diversity of lesbians and gay men--for even with­in our community we truly are a Rainbow consti­tuency.
     Our vote counts--we can make a difference. But we must use our vote wisely, and make sure our voices are heard. In 1988 there is a candi­date whose stand on lesbian and gay rights, whose stand on the AIDS crisis, whose stand on all the other issues of concern to our community Is exemplary. Jesse Jackson's campaign provides us the opportunity to stand up for ourselves, to build strong and durable ties wlth other consti­tuencies, to strengthen our own movement, to truly make a difference.


I support the current Lesbian/Gay Rights Bill before the U.S. Congress. I support the implementation of a Presidential Order banning anti-gay discrimination in the Federal government and the military. I oppose immigration laws that discriminate against anyone because of sexual orienta­tion."

"Throughout the U.S. lesbians and gay men live with the daily fear of dis­crimination because of their sexual orientation. Due to bigotry and fear, gay people have been kicked out of their homes, fired from their jobs, denied child custody, and been victimized by assault. We must end this discrimina­tion and violence."

The right to privacy must be guaranteed. No government has the right to regulate the private sexual behavior of consenting adults. The 1986 Hardwick decision must be reversed. Bigotry and prejudice have no place in the courts or leg­islative chambers of this nation."


We can defeat AIDS. It's time to provide funds for life, not for death. We must take the burden off of community-based agencies, and support their work with a federally funded war against AIDS."

"As the gay community has so positively shown, the best weapon against AIDS is edu­cation. Mandatory testing, quarantines, and other repressive measures are punitive and in­effective. We must not allow the voices of pan­ic and prejudice, homophobia, racism and fear to set public policy."

"We need a national health program to meet the needs of all people in this country--including those with AIDS or related conditions. The U.S. and South Africa are the only two ad­vanced countries in the world without such a program." 


Women are not a special interest group--they constitute the majority of our society. Women have the right to a living income, to freedom from discrimination in work and housing, to public policies which enable them to combine work and family life, and to respect."

"Women in the U.S. must be protected under the law. I support passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. I support the use of affirmative ac­tion to end sex discrimination in employment, housing, health care, education and other parts of life. I stand with women in the battle against sexual harrassment and violence, and for pay equity and comparable worth."

"Decisions on the timing and size of one's fami­ly are a private responsibility. I support in­creased funding for family planning programs. I support a woman' right to choose, to control her own body. I support federal funding of abortion so that poor women have the same rights as more affluent women. We also need family policies that support those who choose to have children. I propose a national childcare policy to develop sufficient and affordable childcare programs throughout the country."

Photo: Frontline

Photo: Frontline

Jesse Jackson has already been endorsed by many lesbians and gay men from all walks of life. Join us, vote your con­science. Take a stand. It's a matter of choice. Bold leadership and new direction are required. Jesse Jackson--the right choice.

Partial List of Endorsers:

(Organizations listed for identification purposes only):

Steve Ault, Co-Chair, National March on Wash­ington for Lesbian and Gay Rights; Hon. Peggy Baker, City of Chicago Lesbian/Gay Issues Desk; John Belskus, AIDS Action Network; Lee Bush, Fairness Fund; Leslie Cagan, New York City Co­ordinator, National March on Washington; Hon. Karen Clark, Minnesota Assembly; James Credle, Co-Chair, National Black and White Men Togeth­er; Pam David, Outreach Co-ordinator, National March on Washington; Sally Gearhart; Jewelle Gomez; Roma Guy, Women's Foundation; Harry Hay, Radical Faery Network; Dr. Marjorie Hill, Salsa Soul Sisters; Andy Humm; Ken Jones, San Francisco AIDS Foundation; Jonathan Katz; Laur­en Laureano, National Association of People With AIDS; Dr. Walter Lear, Gay Public Health Work­ers; Renee McCoy, Exec. Director, National Coa­lition of Black Lesbians and Gays; Randy Miller, Volunteer Coordinator, National March on Wash­ington; Holly Near; Pat Norman, Co-Chair, Na­tional March on Washington; Rev. Troy Perry, Metropolitan Community Churches; Dr. Bill
Paul, President, Stonewall Lesbian//Gay Democrat­ic Club; Philip Reed, Minority Task Force on AIDS; Gwendolyn Rogers; Marc Rubin; ACT UP; Hon. David Scondras, Boston City Council; Car­men Vázquez, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; Fred Ware, Jr., African American Lesbian/Gay Alliance of Atlanta.

Layout and Design: Ces Rosales


_I pledge to go to my precinct caucus or pol­ling place for Jesse Jackson
_I'm ready to volunteer
_Here's my contribution of [] $250 [] $150 [] $100 [] $ 50 [] $25 [] Other _

Make checks payable to Jesse Jackson '88,
send to:
Jackson '88 / Lavender Stripe
733 15th St., NW, Suite 326

Washington, DC 20005

For more information, contact your local Lesbians and Gays for Jackson or write us at the ad­dress given above.

Your local contact is:

Paid for by the Jesse Jackson for President '88 Committee
Howard Renzi, Treasurer
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