Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

                           California Democratic Party

Issue One-Pager - 8 1/2" x 11".

Dukakis | Bentsen On Women's Rights.

"To keep pace with our changing world, we need contributions from all Americans. Our campaign for economic opportunity and equal rights for women represents the best of American values, and the best hope for America's future."

End the assault. For the past seven years, the Republicans have turned their backs on the rights of women, children, and families. They've cut federal funding for child care. At a time when more and more Americans are entering retirement, they've cut Social Security and tried to dismantle Medicare. And they have a judicial appointments record that might as well say "white males only" — of 300 judges appointed, only 17 have been minorities, and 26 women. Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen will set progress for women back on track.

Good jobs, good wages. Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen know it's time to get our economy back in gear. In America, that means full employment and paycheck justice. It's simply unaccept­able that women are paid less than men working in equivalent jobs. As Governor, Mike Dukakis initiated a pay equity program to combat wage discrimination among state employees. As President, he'll continue the fight to end wage discrimination.

Reliable day care. The Dukakis/Bentsen team knows that millions of families need child care that's reliable and affordable. In Massachusetts, Mike Dukakis brought employers, unions and government together to create a state program that's won national praise. In Washington, he'll start a national day care partnership with employers and unions across the country. And he'll work for fair parental leave laws.

Civil rights. It's time to start the civil rights clock moving forward again. The Dukakis/Bentsen team wi!l fight hard for a federal Equal Rights Amendment. As President, Mike Dukakis will support the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that protects the right of women to exercise their own judgment with respect to the highly personal decision of abortion.

Invest in education. Opportu­nity starts with first-rate education. Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen will fight to help keep kids in school. They'll invest in attracting and keeping top teachers. And they'll use the Student Tuition and Repay­ment System (STARS) to help all eligible students go on to college.

Good health care. Governor Mike Dukakis fought for and won the nation's first universal health care proposal. The Dukakis/Bentsen team will work to provide health insurance to the 40 million Americans who don't have it. And they'll provide support to families who face the burden of long term care.

Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen will fight drugs at their source. That means cutting off foreign aid to governments that deal in drugs or refuse to help us stem the tide. At home, it means creating an Alliance Against Drugs that brings parents, teachers, and law enforcement officials together to teach our children how to stay drug free.

The Dukakis/Bentsen Record
• Mike Dukakis appointed a record number of women as Cabinet officers, judges, and commissioners.

• As Governor, he built what Time magazine called "the country's most comprehensive state-supported day care system."

• Mike Dukakis helped more than 50,000 people — mostly single mothers with children — move from welfare to work by supporting them with job training, day care, and health insurance.

• Senator Lloyd Bentsen authored and passed a bill to establish a bipartisan National Com­mission on Children, to explore the prob­lems facing our children, and to come up with solutions.

• Lloyd Bentsen pushed for passage of a law increasing the Title XX Block Grant by $50 million to improve access to child care for low-income families, enabling parents to work to support their families.

For equality and rights. Vote Dukakis/Bentsen.

To volunteer or contribute, please call:
(213) 287-1988 or (415) 255-9187

Paid for by the California Democratic Party.
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