1988 Democratic Presidential Primary

                           Dukakis for President Committee


105 Chauncy St., Boston, MA 02111
1-800-USA-MIKE / (617) 451-...

[union bug]
Paid for and authorized by the Dukakis for President Committee, Inc.

Mike Dukakis


The Dukakis Commitment to the American Dream
Vets offered low-cost loans
     In 1957 when Mike Dukakis returned from his 16 month tour as an E-2 in Korea, he set out to make real his own American dream. After finishing law school and starting a family, he entered public service determined to help others to get the same basic opportunities that he and his parents had.
     That's why Mike Dukakis, as Gover­nor of Massachusetts, has aggressively pursued the goal of good jobs at good wages for all citizens—no matter who they are or where they come from or what the color of their skin.
     That's why Mike Dukakis has estab­lished low-interest home ownership programs to provide opportunities for first-time buyers to enter the housing market and build their own piece of the American dream.
     That's why Mike Dukakis created an Employment Training program that has helped 40,000 families to move from welfare to work in the past four years alone.

The Dukakis Commitment to Veterans
 Bay State honors Korean War vets
     Mike Dukakis understands the legitimate concerns of veterans across the country. As President, he will fight to make sure that Veterans' Administra­tion facilities receive the funding they need and deserve.
     As Governor of Massachusetts, Mike Dukakis has not only talked about his commitment to veterans, he's acted. He established new employment and train­ing programs for veterans as well as a program to encourage veterans to begin small businesses. He created new PTSD and Agent Orange programs that are now national models. And he created a new congregate housing program that will help older vets to remain in their communities, while getting the assis­tance they need.

The Dukakis Commitment to American Security
Dukakis says defense change vital
     Mike knows we are spending billions on nuclear arms while not paying attention to our conventional defenses. Mike believes that the next President must get a dollar's worth of security for every dollar spent on arms.
     As President, Mike Dukakis will make sure the men and women of our armed forces have the equipment supplies and training they need to defend us. He believes we must:
* Invest in strong modernized con­ventional systems that will help us defend Europe and give us the kind of mobile and effective forces we will need to deter and respond to threats elsewhere around the world.
* Invest in recruiting and retaining the top notch sailors and soldiers and pilots and engineers without whom even the most effective weapon has no value.
* End Pentagon mismanagement with a more competitive procurement system that has more accountability and less red tape.

The Dukakis Commitment to America
Dukakis honors Vietnam vets' outreach center
     Mike Dukakis has combined strong values with innovative new policies to provide effective executive leadership. As President, he will not accept an America where some people do well while others are left behind.
     "lt is time to fulfill America's promise." he says, "It's time to create economic opportunity for every citizen and restore America's moral leadership in the world."
     "America's fighting men and women deserve a President who understands their issues and is sensitive to their needs from basic training to retirement."
     "If you share my commitment to ful­filling America's promise, I hope you will make me your choice for President and get involved in my Presidential campaign."


When it comes to providing services for veterans . . .

Only one Democratic Presidential candidate has established a state-funded network of 11 Veteran's Centers to serve the more than 700,000 veterans of Massachusetts.

Only one Democratic Presidential candidate has established a comprehensive state-wide information and referral program designed to assist veterans in employment and training and re-integration into civilian life.

Only one Democratic Presidential candidate has established a Women's Veterans Advisory Board to address the needs of the 30,000 women veterans in his state.