Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

                           California Democratic Party

Issue One-Pager - 8 1/2" x 11".

Dukakis | Bentsen On the Environment.

"Clean air, safe water, bountiful soil, healthy oceans—these are goals all Americans share. For the sake of ourselves, our children, and generations to come, we must protect our natural heritage."

Reverse the neglect. A genuine commitment to protecting our environ­ment doesn't start two months before an election. For seven years, we've had an Administration that has neglected the environment, mismanaged the Envi­ronmental Protection Agency, and appointed officials who have coddled polluters rather than punished them. The Dukakis/Bentsen team will end the legacy of Watt, Gorsuch, Hodel and Bush.

Tackle pollution. The ocean should not be a dumping ground. Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen will tackle ocean pollution by banning ocean dumping of sewage and sludge by 1991. They'll make the deadline stick with tough enforcement.

Strict standards. The Republicans have fought efforts to strengthen the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and have refused to enforce America's environmental laws. We can't afford to be lax anymore in keeping our lands and waters clean. The Dukakis/Bentsen team will establish and enforce strict environmental standards for air and water quality.

Safe waste disposal. Under the current Adminis­tration, only 10 out of 799 Superfund toxic waste sites have been cleaned up. Hazardous waste has already wrought too much damage on our land and in our waters. Mike Dukakis will demand the safe disposal of hazard­ous, solid, and radioactive waste. He'll ensure prompt clean-up of existing waste sites, and he'll slash the produc­tion of additional hazardous chemicals.

Protect our coastlines. The Dukakis/Bentsen team knows how precious our beaches and marshlands are. They will protect our coastal areas from both offshore oil drilling in environ­mentally sensitive areas and develop­ment that threatens American shores.

Stop acid rain. The onslaught of acid rain poisoning our lakes and rivers must stop. We need leadership that will end regional divisions and break the Congressional logjam on this issue. Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen will work with the Congress and through the EPA to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions and to rid North American skies and waters of acid rain.

Clean up the garbage. The Republicans have stood silently by as many communities confront a garbage crisis. No one wants to burn waste in his backyard, and there are few places left to bury it. Dukakis and Bentsen will pro­mote source reduction and recycling as the most effective means of waste disposal, and they'll work hard to uphold and enforce environmental laws.

The Dukakis/Bentsen Record
• As Governor, Mike Dukakis enacted one of the most effective state Superfund laws in the nation, forcing polluters to pay more than 80 percent of all clean-up costs to date.

• Governor Dukakis helped lead the fight against acid rain. He fought for and passed a law requiring Massachusetts to reduce emissions (in the absence of Federal acid rain legislation).

• Mike Dukakis successfully fought to protect Georges Bank — one of the region's most fertile fishing grounds — from offshore oil drilling.

• Mike Dukakis tripled the budget and man­power of his state's hazardous waste pro­gram since 1983.

• Lloyd Bentsen served on the Senate Envi­ronment and Public Works Committee. He helped draft and refine the Clean Water Act — the first clean water legislation to pass Congress in years, overriding a Reagan/Bush veto.

Protect our environment. Vote Dukakis/Bentsen.

To volunteer or contribute, please call:
(415) 255-9187, (213) 965-1180 or (213) 287-1988

Paid for by the California Democratic Party.
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