Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

 California Republican Party / VICTORY 88

Brochure - 4" x 9".

For President   

A Report On The Progress Of Hispanics In America

I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the
United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands
one nation
under God
with liberty and justice for all.
George Bush will reaffirm the greatness of America's ideals. Michael Dukakis vetoed legislation directing teachers to lead their classes in the Pledge of Allegiance.

This election is about the future and America's greatness.

• Do we continue building on the progress of the last eight years? Or do we change direction toward an uncertain future?

• Do we continue pursuing peace through strength? Or will we shrink from that resolve?

• Do we continue Republican leadership? — the party that has brought us unprecedented peace and prosperity?

• Or will we turn America over to the party of Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis?

These are the questions. And the stakes are high.

[Photo Caption] 
Hispanic crowds welcome the Vice President.

[Photo Caption] 
George Bush teaches in the classroom of "Stand and Deliver's" Jamie Escalante.
Republican leadership cut Jimmy Carter's inflation by 60%, cut interest rates in half and created seventeen million new jobs — good jobs that make people proud.

George Bush has vowed to create even more jobs in the next eight years.

George Bush will not raise taxes — period. Michael Dukakis will make no such promise.

George Bush supports a federal death penalty for terrorists, hijackers and major drug dealers. Michael Dukakis opposes the death penalty in all cases.

Which direction should America take?
You decide with your vote on November 8.

We can continue to prosper with GEORGE BUSH

In 1980, the Reagan/Bush administration ushered in the heralded decade of the Hispanic. Now, eight years later, the results are in:

• The number of Hispanics who have completed college has tripled: from 2.8% in 1983 to 10%in 1988.

• More Hispanics are employed now than ever before in history.

• More Hispanics have become successful in mainstream America. In business, Hispanics head up Coca Cola and Texas Air.

• The first Hispanic ever, Lauro Cavazos, Secretary of Education, was named to the U.S. Cabinet.

Or face closed doors under DUKAKIS...
[Photo Caption]
Office of Hispanic Affairs Closed July, 1988.
Dukakis' record of neglect speaks for itself. To balance the budget (which is required by law any­way) he did away with the Office of Hispanic Af­fairs, even though:

• Hispanics in Massachusetts have one of the highest high school drop-out rates in the coun­try — 56%.

• Seven out of 10 Hispanic children in Mas­sachusetts live below the poverty level.

• In cities like Lawrence and Lowell, Mas­sachusetts, Hispanic children are taught in run­down schools and make-shift basements.

• In Massachusetts, Hispanic unemployment is at an all time high.

[Photo Caption]
Unemployed Massachusetts Hispanic
Keep Hispanic America Growing...
We've Just Begun.

Paid for by California Republican Party / VICTORY 88.
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