Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

                           California Republican Party / Victory '88

Flyer - 8 1/4" x 14".

"I am a quiet man, but I hear the quiet people others don't. The ones who raise the family, pay the taxes, meet the mortgage. I hear them and I am moved, and their concerns are mine."


Paid for by Victory 88 - CRP   1903 W. Magnolia Blvd.   Burbank, CA 91506

As President, will not raise taxes — period.
As Governor, raised taxes in Massachusetts by over $1 billion.

As President, will support mandatory prison terms for drug pushers.

As Governor, vetoed mandatory prison terms for drug pushers.
As President, will take the lead to ensure violent prisoners are kept behind bars.
As Governor, supported a work furlough program allowing violent criminals to walk free, even before they were eligible for parole.

As President, will push for a federal death penalty law for murderers, traitors and drug kingpins.

As Governor, vetoed the death penalty and opposes it in all cases.
As President, will use military force to protect American lives.
As Governor, would not support America's retaliatory strike against Libya — even though Libya had been linked to terrorist bombings in which Americans were killed.

As President, will support the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools.
As Governor, vetoed legislation directing teachers to lead their classes in the Pledge of Allegiance in Massachusetts public schools.

As Vice President, convinced European leaders to stand firm against the Soviet nuclear threat, forcing the Soviets back to the INF bargaining table.

As Governor, supported a unilateral nuclear freeze that would have weakened America's negotiating strength and doomed the historic INF treaty.
As President, will keep America's military defenses strong — so we negotiate with the Soviets from a position of strength.
As Governor, supports drastic cuts in America's strategic defense funds — which would give the Soviets a dangerous advantage in nuclear reduction talks.