Campaign Literature—1988 General Election

 California Republican Party / VICTORY 88

Brochure - 4" x 9".

For President   

A President For All Americans

I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the
United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands
one nation
under God
with liberty and justice for all.
George Bush will reaffirm the greatness of America's ideals. Michael Dukakis vetoed legislation directing teachers to lead their classes in the Pledge of Allegiance.

This election is about the future and America's greatness.

• Do we continue building on the progress of the last eight years? Or do we change direction toward an uncertain future?

• Do we continue pursuing peace through strength? Or will we shrink from that resolve?

• Do we continue Republican leadership? — the party that has brought us unprecedented peace and prosperity?

• Or will we turn America over to the party of Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis?

These are the questions. And the stakes are high.

[Photo Caption] 
George Bush swears in Federal Maritime Commissioner Elaine Chou.

Republican leadership cut Jimmy Carter's inflation by 60%, cut interest rates in half and created seventeen million new jobs — good jobs that make people proud.

George Bush has vowed to create even more jobs in the next eight years.

George Bush will not raise taxes — period. Michael Dukakis will make no such promise.

George Bush supports a federal death penalty for terrorists, hijackers and major drug dealers. Michael Dukakis opposes the death penalty in all cases.

Which direction should America take?
You decide with your vote on November 8.


Economic Opportunity

• George Bush will preserve for us one of the greatest rights of all Americans — the opportunity to share in the American Dream.

• Millions of Americans, including large numbers in the Asian American community, have benefitted from the past eight years of Republican leadership. The prospects for our future are bright — and George Bush won't let anyone take that away from us.


• George Bush recognizes that among Asian Americans, there is no higher priority or surer path to success than quality education.

• Under Republican leadership, America has re­committed itself to quality education on a national scale. A good education is the key to every young person's future.

• Unlike his Democratic opponent, George Bush opposes quota systems which may prohibit our qualified students from attending the school or university of their choice. Admission should be based upon merit.

[Photo Caption] The Bush Family.


• George Bush believes the family is the backbone and future of our great nation. Strong on values, ideals, and the work ethic, George Bush will not allow liberal rhetoric and ideas to rob us of this foundation.

• George Bush is committed to affordable, high­quality child care giving parents the option of choosing care by close relatives, church, work or community facilities.

• George Bush will continue to bring more qualified Asian Americans into governmental roles — drawing upon their strong adherence to traditional American values.

"It's not the language we speak, but the values we share."
— George Bush, 8/2/88


• George Bush insists on a zero-tolerance policy toward drugs — no type of "recreational" drug use is acceptable. He advocates a federal death penalty for major drug kingpins who are poisoning our children.

• George Bush will act to see that criminals are punished — not their victims.
He will work to end liberal legal technicalities and the kinds of furlough programs that have allowed hardened criminals in Massachusetts back out on the street to threaten our families.

Paid for by California Republican Party / VICTORY 88.
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