1984 Democratic Presidential Primary

                                  Jesse Jackson for President Committee California

Jesse Jackson in Los Angeles
Thursday, May 17, 7:30 p.m.
LA Valley College Stadium, No. Hollywood

Speaking on Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Intervention & Social Justice

"No more Hiroshimas, No more Vietnams."

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Peace Activists for Jesse Jackson  [union bug]

Let's Look at Jesse Jackson's Positions

• Jesse Jackson wholeheartedly endorses the new, Quick Freeze Strategy of the Bilateral Nuclear Freeze Movement - "First stop - then negotiate." That is, as President he would immediately stop the testing and deployment of nuclear warheads and missiles, which can be monitored with confidence by the U.S. and Soviet Union. He would immediately call on the Soviets to begin negotiating a comprehensive Bilateral Freeze. He would use both his personal commitment to diplomacy, and his ability to mobilize world public opinion to pressure both the U.S. government and the Soviet government to actually implement the Freeze.

• Jesse Jackson opposes the Star Wars Strategy of placing missles in outer space. "I oppose the Soviet effort, President Reagan's effort, and the efforts of previous administrations to carry on the arms race in outer space. I would end the development of anti-satellite technology and all ballistic missiles defense systems. It's a hackneyed argument, but no less true, that the creation of the illusion of invulnerability increases our vulnerability."

• Jesse Jackson opposes the disastrous Build-Down Theory, which claims to reduce the total number of nuclear weapons by destroying two weapons for every new one built. In fact "Build Down" is actually a dramatic "Build Up". It is a boondoggle for the military-industrial complex, funding a drastic escalation of modernized, more lethal, less detectable weapons, in return for "destroying" outmoded weapons the Pentagon doesn't want anyway. Jesse Jackson also opposes the MX, B1, Stealth, Trident II, Pershing II and ground & sea launched Cruise missiles.

• Jesse Jackson supports an immediate reduction of the military budget by 20%. "Arms reduction in my administration would contribute to security, not because arms reductions work miracles by themselves, but because the reductions would result from agreements that reduce tensions and demonstrate the will of the U.S. to reverse the arms race, rather than gain or maintain technological and political advantages."
Obscene levels of military spending are:
1)    Fueling a long-term fiscal crisis of deficit spending.
2)    Taking urgently needed funds away from urban infrastructure and basic social services. Jesse Jackson favors positive government services to improve the lives of poor and disabled people at home, not negative military intervention to further the suffering of the poor and create more disabled abroad.

Jesse Jackson has the most integrated understanding of the world situation, and an actual strategy for the Peace Movement at home, and for peace throughout the world. He has opposed U.S. interventionin the Third World, and is the candidate with the most positive vision of an advanced Superpower's relationships with the nations of the Third World. Jackson's whole approach to the Third World leaders is one of mutual respect and dialogue. Only Jesse Jackson is calling for relationships of equality, mutual respect, non-intervention in each other's internal affairs, and public pressure on the U.S. and Soviet governments for a Freeze and then disarmament. Jesse Jackson realizes better than any other candidate, that while nuclear war may be started through accidental or technical failure, it may very well stem from conventional battles between the Superpowers – especially in Third World Nations.

• Jesse Jackson opposes U.S. intervention against popular movements in the Third World. He supports each nation's right to self-determination. He demands the withdrawal of all U.S. corporations from South Africa as a means of winning political freedom for the Black majority. In response to U.S. backed mining of Nicaraguan harbors, Jackson delcared: "Our foreign policy in Central America is wrong. We are standing on the wrong side of history." And Jackson urged Congress to "stop our funding of terror in Nicaragua and El Salvador now, and ... withdraw all our troops from Central America."

• Jesse Jackson's Middle East policy is one of principle and humanity. He supports secure borders for Israel and the establishment of a homeland for the Palestinean people as a long-term and stable solution based on justice in the Middle East.

• Only Jesse Jackson is building a Rainbow Coalition in the United States which links world peace with social justice at home.