DNC Unity Reform Commission Finalizes Recommendations  ...3 of 6 >
Dec. 8-9, 2017 - Screen shots show some of the issues addressed by the Commission.  The issues fell into four "buckets": delegates, primaries, caucuses and party reforms.
To reduce the number of unpledged delegates (superdelegates), the Commission recommended that DNC members remain automatic delegates but that they no longer be unpledged; their votes will be allocated proportional to primary or caucus results.

Some recommendations encouraging primaries.

Some recommendations on caucuses.

The DNC Budget and Finance Committee drew scrutiny.

Commission members voted down an amendment to term-limit DNC members.

Among the recommendations to improve transparency.


Some issues that were more difficult or required further research were tabled and picked up again on Saturday...

The concept of three categories of automatic delegates is simple, but operationalizing how category 2 and 3 delegates (DNC members) will be allocated required considerable verbiage.

A recommendation to improve transparency within the party.

A recommendation to improve transparency of joint fundraising agreements and memorandum of understanding.
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