Nov. 4, 2014 Governor

Leaflet - 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".


Why Evan Falchuk will help us as Massachusetts' first Independent Governor:

  • Evan's taking on big challenges in our state with honest and real conversation that respects voters—not tired, partisan sound bites.
  • He's committed to making our communities and neighborhoods stronger, and building accountability in government.
  • He's a bilingual, Massachusetts native with a successful track record as a healthcare executive, helping bring hundreds of jobs to the state.

"There are a lot of people interested in seeing a race for governor get more interesting than what the Democrat or Republican parties have come up with so far. Falchuk has ideas worth debating."
~The Lowell Sun 

To learn more about how you can get involved in the Falchuk for Governor Campaign and Massachusetts' new United Independent Party, visit us at

"Community planning as a profession is founded on optimism, and a belief that the future can be better than the present."
~Angus Jennings

Angus with his wife, Kristen, and daughter, Carolann

About Angus Jennings, United Independent Party Candidate for Lieutenant Governor:

  • Recognized expert in housing and strategic community planning.
  • Highly regarded land planning professional with state agencies and municipalities throughout the Commonwealth.
  • Small business owner, and 12th-generation son of Massachusetts.

The Democrats and Republicans don't "own" your vote—YOU DO!

If you think Independent, vote Independent!

At the United Independent Party, we believe everyone is equal, everyone's civil rights must be protected—AND government must spend our taxpayer dollars wisely.

To learn more or join our growing movement visit: or email

Leaflet - 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".

"There are a lot of people interested in seeing a race for governor get more interesting than what the Democrat or Republican parties have come up with so far. Falchuk has ideas worth debating."

~The Lowell Sun

Why Evan Falchuk will help us as Massachusetts' first Independent Governor:

  • Evan's taking on big challenges in our state with honest and real conversation that respects voters—not tired, partisan sound bites.
  • He's committed to making our communities and neighborhoods stronger, and building accountability in government.
  • He's a bilingual, Massachusetts native with a successful track record as a healthcare executive, helping bring hundreds of jobs to the state.


"Too many voters feel the political system in Massachusetts doesn't represent their interests anymore. I hear from voters how lawmakers don't take them seriously, or treat them seriously.

I founded the United Independent Party with people from throughout Massachusetts on the premise that everyone is equal, everyone's civil rights must be protected – AND government must spend taxpayer dollars wisely.

Over half of State House races this year will be unopposed, leaving voters with far too few choices of leaders to elect. With the United Independent Party's common-sense, pragmatic focus, we all now have an opportunity to get independent-minded people into office who can broaden the debate, increase government accountability, and introduce smart new ideas and solutions.

The time for meaningful change is long overdue. The United Independent Party will finally change 'establishment politics' in Massachusetts – for the better."

~Evan Falchuk,

United Independent Party candidate for Governor

If you think Independent, vote Independent!

Leaflet - 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".


Evan Falchuk candidato a Gobernador
Por el Partido Unido Independiente
"United lndependent Party"

Mi abuelo emigro desde Europa a Cuba y luego a Venezuela. Al principio no tenía nada, pero con mucho trabajo, dedicación a su familia y una creencia en la posibilidad de crear una vida mejor para sus hijos, construyo un ne­gocio y ahorro suficiente dinero para mandar a mi padre a vivir a los EEUU. La historias de mi abuelo, y de mi padre, son inspiraciones personales. Por sus sacrificios, yo tengo la obligación de crear oportunidades para todos que llegan a este país buscando una vida mejor, proteger los derechos de todos y asegurar que cada generación tenga la chance de realizar sus sueños.

¡Únanse conmigo – ya es tiempo de arreglar la política de Massachusetts!

Visítenos en para aprender más, y mándenos un email para unirse a

Evan Falchuk candidato a Gobernador
"United lndependent Party"

La mayoría de los votantes en Massachusetts están cansados y aburridos del viejo debate entre la izquierda contra derecha que brindan los dos partidos políticos tradicionales (demócratas y republicanos):

•    El 58% de los votantes en nuestro estado quieren un tercer partido, oficial e independiente, basado en una plataforma de prudencia fiscal y la protección de las libertades sociales.*

•    El 73% de los votantes dicen que apoyarían a un candidato independi­ente para gobernador quien tenga un enfoque en prudencia fiscal y la protección de las libertades sociales.* (*Source: DAPA Research, Inc.)

"Al abrir la puerta -finalmente- a mas candidatos con pensamientos nuevos e ideas frescas, abraza­mos los ideales verdaderas de la democracia – aumentando la posibilidad de crear soluciones reales."
Evan Falchuk, en el Boston Globe

Ya es tiempo de introducir una nueva manera de pensar, y tener soluciones innovadores.

Para unirse a la campaña "Falchuk for Governor"
visítenos en o mándenos un email a