CPAC Main Page « Scenes from Day Two

CPAC 2022: Scenes from Day Two         ...3 of 4 >
Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD), mentioned as a possible 2024 presidential candidate, said the invasion of Ukraine occurred because under President Biden "America projects weakness."  Noem called for Biden to resign:
He should resign before his weak leadership and poor decision making drag America back into another needless war. Now that's just common sense.

But sadly, almost every major institution in our society today has been compromised against common sense, truth and freedom. The Democrat Party and their allies in big tech, Hollywood and the media, well these experts they're all the same crew that brought us mask mandates and vaccine mandates. They ignored science. They trampled civil liberty. They preach critical race theory. And they're driving inflation that steals wealth, especially from the poor and the most disadvantaged, younger families. Violent crime is surging in cities and disproportionately hurting minority families. And no one should ever forget the disaster in Afghanistan.  [transcript]
Noem also highlighted her handling of the COVID pandemic.  She stated, "Looking around the world today, we see fundamental freedoms evaporating because of COVID lockdowns, but not in South Dakota. We drew a clear line, and the line between tyranny and freedom is getting more clear every day across our country." >