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CPAC 2022: Scenes from Day Three         ...2 of 4 >
Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, used his speech to promote his "11 Point Plan To Rescue America."  Republican congressional leaders have not advanced a unifying agenda for the 2022 elections, and Scott's plan has attracted considerable attention.

Scott led off his speech with some sharp rhetoric, "You know we survived the war of 1812, the Civil War, World War I and World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War. But today we face the greatest danger we have ever faced. The militant left wing in our country has become enemy within."  Scott elaborated:
Let's do a quick situation report. The militant left has now seized control of our economy, our culture and our country. When you turn on the news at night, do you recognize the country you see? Are you worried for your family, are you worried for your freedoms? The woke left now controls the Democrat party, the entire federal government, the news media, academia, big tech, Hollywood, most corporate boardrooms, and now even some of our top military leaders. They're working to redefine America, silence their opponents. And that means you. 

They're destroying just about everything they touch, and they've got their hands on everything. Here's what they're trying to destroy. American history, patriotism, border security, gender, traditional morality, capitalism, fiscal responsibility, opportunity, rugged individualism, Judeo Christian values, free speech, law enforcement, religious liberty, parental involvement in schools, and even private ownership of firearms. 

The woke left wants all of that gone. They want to end the American experiment. They want to replace freedom with control. The elites and the government are telling us what we can and cannot believe, what we can think, and what we can do. They absolutely want to control our lives. Woke government-run schools, woke government-run health care, woke government-run media, woke government-run everything. In their new socialist America, everyone will obey and no one will be allowed to complain. If you do speak up, boom, you will be canceled. Your views if they don't conform to big tech, Fauci or Neil Young, you know you're going to be kicked off of Spotify, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.  [transcript]
Scott had been mentioned as a possible 2024 presidential candidate, but in a Nov. 11, 2021 interview he told NBC2 News, "I have no plans to run in '24; I'm running for the Senate in '24." >